The Teacher’s Friend Record Book
This comprehensive record book will provide you a means by which to do your best teaching! Included in this book you will find the following helpful forms and information:
STUDENT ROSTER – Fill in the information once your permanent classroom list is established. Use pencil in order to allow changes in address, phone numbers or to add a new student’s name. (In case of emergency, make sure you record parents’ cell phone numbers in addition to home and work numbers.)
CLASSROOM SEATING CHART – Pencil in your seating arrangement only after you have considered the size, and shape of your classroom, and determined your individualized teaching style. Make sure you plan for traffic areas and learning centers. You may wish to use small sticky notes, complete with each student’s name, to represent the seating arrangement.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER INFORMATION – Use these pages to inform any substitute teacher of the pertinent information needed to successfully manage your class in your absence. Update this information periodically throughout the year. You may want to reproduce these pages and give a copy to your supervisor and/or school secretary.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES – Record your school’s procedures for such emergencies as fire, tornado and earthquake. These procedures should provide any adult in your classroom the information they need to safely evacuate and care for the children. A list of simple health and emergency first aid procedures are noted as a reminder. A place for you to list those at the school that are trained in CPR is also provided.
• Keep in mind the size and shape of your classroom when selecting a seating arrangement.
• Make sure that you can easily see all of the students and that they can clearly see you, the class board and other important focal points.
• Write students’ names on small sticky notes and move them on the class seating chart as your seating arrangements change.
• Record your seating chart in pencil so it can be changed as the needs of your students change.

Health/Safety Precautions:
• Record all students’ medical problems, allergies and medications.
• Maintain a classroom first aid kit and inform students where it can be found.
• Instruct students about what to do if they feel ill.
• Demonstrate to students how to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing.
• Have students practice routine hand washing.
Emergency First Aid:
• Send someone else to notify the office and to call for an ambulance.
• Do not move a person that is seriously injured.

Bleeding – Apply pressure directly to the wound. Elevate the wound higher than the victims head if possible.
Choking – Stand behind the victim and give abdominal thrusts under the rib cage until the object is expelled. (Heimlich Maneuver)
Shock – Place the victim on his or her back with the legs slightly raised. Keep the victim warm by wrapping him or her in blankets.
Not Breathing – Give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). To give mouth-to-mouth, clear any object from the mouth. Pinch the victim’s nose and cover the mouth tightly with your own. Blow hard enough to make the chest rise. Remove your mouth and release the nose to allow the victim to breath out. Repeat the procedure every five seconds.
Note: Adequate training is necessary to successfully perform CPR.

Teacher’s Friend, a Scholastic Company
ISBN 0-439-50423-6
Table of Contents
Attendance Pages 22-37
Classroom Seating Chart 6
Emergency Procedures 8
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages 16
Geometric Shapes 17
Good Job Awards 21
Grammar Rules 14
How to Use This Record Book 2-3
Math Signs and Symbols 16
Measurement Equivalents 18
Metric/U.S. Equivalents 18
Multiplication Chart 17
North America States,
Provinces and Capitals 19
Parts of Speech 15
Percentage Grader 10
Personal Telephone–Addresses 96
Place Values 17
Proofreading Marks 11
Punctuation 11
Record Pages 38-95
Roman Numerals 17
Spelling Rules 13
Student Birthdays 9
Student Roster 4-5
Substitute Teacher Information 7
Tricky Spelling Words 12
Ways to Reward Kids 20