Sing Along & Learn Early Math
Whether they’re clapping, tapping, humming, or singing… children are natural music makers. They are drawn by music’s natural rhythm and repetition. The playful, original songs on your Sing Along & Learn audio CD will provide lively, multisensory learning experiences for your child. Toe-tapping tunes such as “Counting Cowboy,” “Scritch Scratch,” and “My Secret Recipe” will help your child learn about important early math skills and concepts including counting, shapes, addition, subtraction, measurement, and more.
Read on to discover fun, quick-and-easy activities that you can do with your child, designed to help you make the most of these irresistible and educational songs!
So invite music into your home—and get ready to sing along and learn!
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
“Counting Cowboy” – Early Math Counting Song
They call him “the counting cowboy.”
No one counts the way he can.
Doesn’t ride those bucking broncos,
but at counting, he’s the champ.
All day long, he counts the cattle,
cows and chickens, goats and sheep.
And at night, when all is quiet,
he counts critters in his sleep.

Counting cowboy,
counting all day long.
Counting cowboy,
sings a counting song.
Counting cowboy,
he’s a counting man.
Counting cowboy,
fastest in the land.
When the horses can’t be numbered,
and the cows are out of sight,
and just adding up the chickens,
would take almost half the night,
they call for the counting cowboy,
and he counts with all his might.
He’s the fastest counter ever,
and he always gets it right.
Counting cowboy,
counting all day long.
Counting cowboy,
sings a counting song.
Counting cowboy,
he’s a counting man.
Counting cowboy,
fastest in the land.
“Scritch Scratch” – Early Math Subtraction Song
A farmer went to the henhouse
to gather up the eggs.
He looked around until he found
a dozen had been laid.
He headed back to the farmhouse,
but he heard a sound, and then,
scritch, scratch, two eggs hatched,
and then there were only ten.
Scritch, scratch, two eggs hatched,
and then there were only ten.
He went right back to the henhouse,
to get a couple more.
But to his dismay, there were no more eggs,
so he went back out the door.
He carried those eggs carefully,
’cause he didn’t want them to break.
But scritch, scratch, two eggs hatched,
and then there were only eight.
Scritch, scratch, two eggs hatched,
and then there were only eight.
He went to talk to the chickens,
and see what they could do.
But to his great shock, the hens said, “Bawlk!
We’ve no more eggs for you.”
He watched those eight eggs carefully,
but much to his surprise,
scritch, scratch, three eggs hatched,
and then there were only five.

Scritch, scratch, three eggs hatched,
and then there were only five.
The farmer was determined.
He said, “For goodness’ sakes,
I’m going to save the rest of these eggs,
no matter what it takes.
If I lose any more eggs,” he said,
“my wife will yell at me.”
But scritch, scratch, two eggs hatched,
and then there were only three.
Scritch, scratch, two eggs hatched,
and then there were only three.
Now things were getting desperate,
and he didn’t know what to do.
He was so upset, there were three eggs left,
and he didn’t want to lose them, too.
“I’ve lost so many eggs,” he said,
“I’ve got to save the rest.”
But scritch, scratch, three eggs hatched,
and then there were no eggs left.
Scritch, scratch, three eggs hatched,
and then there were no eggs left.
“Dinosaurs and Donuts” – Early Math Pre-division Song
One day, Mrs. Dinosaur
went to the dino grocery store.
She bought a dozen donuts
for her family to share.
Then she counted them out
so it would be fair.
There was Momma and Poppa,
Sister and Brother,
and they were all as hungry
as they could be.
There were four dinosaurs
eating one dozen donuts,
so everybody got three.

There were four dinosaurs
eating one dozen donuts,
so everybody got three:
Three for me, three for you,
three for Momma and Poppa, too.
Next day, Mr. Dinosaur
went to the bakery right next door.
He looked at all the goodies
that the baker had baked,
and decided to take home
eight cupcakes.
Now some were chocolate,
some were vanilla,
some had sprinkles
and gumdrops, too.
There were four dinosaurs
eating eight cupcakes,
so everybody got two.
There were four dinosaurs
eating eight cupcakes,
so everybody got two:
Two for me, two for you,
two for Momma and Poppa, too.
Table of Contents
Introduction – 4
Why Use Charts in the Classroom? – 5
How to Use This Book – 6
Getting Started With Teaching Charts – 7
Making the Most of Teaching Charts – 8
The Charts
Classroom Management – 12
Literacy – 26
Math – 71
Science and More – 96
ISBN-13 978-0-439-24312-4
ISBN-10 0-439-24312-2