Internet Scavenger Hunt – Mission Match
The chain of 21 California Missions spans about 650 miles. Explore the site below to become familiar with each mission.Then match each mission to its description.
Web Link
California Missions
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
- Named for Saint Anthony
- “Jewel of the Missions”
- Better known as Mission Dolores
- First mission named for a woman
- “King of the Missions”
- Purchased by William Reed
- In 1845 this mission and all of its lands sold for $1,100
- Last mission founded in southern California
- A 1925 earthquake nearly destroyed the beautiful stone church of this mission
- Served as a convalescent hospital for the mission’s converts
- Only mission founded after Mexico’s independence from Spain
- Mission named after John the Baptist and located on San Andreas Fault
- Reason for this mission’s prosperity was its location on Ventura River
- Fifteen native children were baptized on the same day this mission was founded
- Mission named for “Our Lady of Solitude”
- Mission where Father Serra made his headquarters
- After moving to a new site, this mission was known as “Queen of the Missions”
- The first mission
- Halfway point in the California mission chain
- This mission had more converts than any other mission in Northern California
- This mission near Hollywood has been the site for movie shootings
A. San Francisco Solano
D. San Jose
E. Santa Clara de Asis
F. Santa Cruz
G. San Juan Bautista
H. San Carlos Borromeo
I. Nuestra Señora de la Soledad
J. San Antonio de Padua
K. San Miguel Arcangel
L. San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
M. La Purisma Concepcion
N. Santa Ines
O. Santa Barbara
P. San Buenaventura
Q. San Fernando Rey de España
B. San Rafael Arcangel
C. San Francisco de Asis
R. San Gabriel Arcangel
S. San Juan Capistrano
T. San Luis Rey de Francia
U. San Diego de Alcala
Explore More on the Web
Invite students to find out more about the California Missions by visiting the Web sites below.Then, assign one or more of these Web-based activities to students, either individually or in small groups. Have them share what they’ve learned with the rest of the class.

Web Links
California Mission Site:Virtual Tour
California Missions Internet Trail
A Different Point of View
California History Collection
The Spanish padres felt it was their duty to bring Christianity to the Native Americans. But how did the Native Americans feel about these newcomers? This site explores the missions from the Native Americans’ point of view. Divide the class into two groups—the Spanish padres and the Native Americans. Have each group do research, then debate on the following topic: Were the missions helpful or detrimental to the local population? Remind students that they need to present factual information to support their argument.
Serra’s Speech
Junipero Serra and the California Missions
Father Junipero Serra founded nine of the 21 missions and helped develop basic goals for all of the California missions. Students will find extensive information on Father Serra and his relationship with the Native Americans. Ask students if they think this site is balanced in its presentation of information. Does it explain the Native American viewpoint on Spanish settlement? Working in small groups, have students discuss the difference between Father Serra’s intentions for the Native Americans and the harsh realities of mission history.
Mission for Sale
California Missions Almanac
Several of the California Missions were sold after their residents abandoned them. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific California Mission. Tell students that they are to take on the role of real-estate agents assigned to sell a mission to a museum, a community group looking for a new home, or a private investor. Each group must prepare a flyer for a mission of its choice. Each flyer should include a photo or graphic, a floor plan, interesting facts about the mission, and a brief history. The groups should also create maps to show the locations of their missions and write a brief advertisement to include in a local newspaper.
Down the King’s Highway
California Missions Interactive
In 1995 two cyclists biked to 12 of the California Missions. This site documents their journey along the Mission Trail. After exploring this site, have students write their own fictional travelogue of a mission tour. Students should write three journal entries describing their favorite missions, examining mission history, or discussing some of the events that took place along the trail. Have students share their journal entries with the class.

Wrap Up
Challenge your students to show what they know about the California Missions by creating a report in any of the following formats:
✰ Write a biographical sketch of the founders of one or more of the missions.
✰ Create a scale model or diagram of one of the missions.
✰ Use a multimedia program to create an animated presentation highlighting the relationship between Native Americans and the missionaries.
✰ Write a magazine article entitled, “The History of the Spanish Missions.”
✰ Create a detailed map made to scale, showing the location of all 21 missions.
Encourage students to use the sites listed throughout this unit of study or to search for additional information on their own. Remind them that not everything they read online (or in print) is always accurate. Students should confirm their information with at least two sources. Have them include a bibliography with their report.