Special Education / PreK-Grade 1 / Fine Motor Fun
Hundreds of Developmentally Age-Appropriate Activities Designed to Improve Fine Motor Skills
An Excellent Resource for Helping Children with Dysgraphia, Perceptual Motor Difficulties, and Developmental Coordination Disorders
• Activities to Strengthen Hands, Wrists, and Fingers
• Reproducible Lacing Cards, Stencils, Clothespin Games, and “Things to String”
• Finger Plays, Puppet Patterns, Play Dough Fun, and Printing Activities
• Guides for Teaching Scissor Skills and Reproducible Cutting Activities
• Developmentally-Appropriate Coloring, Tracing, and Tactile Experiences
• Reproducible Dot-to-Dot Pictures, Mazes, and Finish the Picture Activities
• Handwriting Instruction and Activities for Learning to Print through a Sequential and Developmental Approach
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
The Big Frog Activity
Directions: Copy onto card stock, color, and laminate for durability. Punch holes where indicated. Laces: Use real shoelaces, ribbon, or yarn with masking tape wrapped around one end as a needle.

Farm Animal Stringing Patterns Activity
Activity found on page 37. Directions: Copy onto card stock, color, cut out along the dotted lines and then laminate for durability. Punch a hole in each as indicated. The children can string the animals together using shoe laces or yarn.

Bugs Scissor Skills
Bugs Directions: Follow the bugs. Cut along the lines.
(The teacher should cut off the edges)