Word Builder Bears Learning Games
Use these TREND products:
T-10943 Linking Bears Classic Accents® Variety Packs (Qty. 2)
T-46908 Alphabet superShapes Stickers Variety and Value Pack
You’ll also need:
List of onsets and rimes
Write onsets on the tummies of one pack of bear accents. Write rimes on the tummies of the other pack of bear accents. On the back of each, place an “O” sticker to represent “onset,” or an “R” sticker to represent “rime.”
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Word Builder Bears Game Directions
Object: Be the first player to make words with all of the rimes in your hand.
- Deal seven rime bears to each player.
- Place onset bears face down in the center and turn one over to start a discard pile.
- Decide which player goes first. That player may choose to draw either the bear from the discard pile or one from the facedown pile.
- Players try to create words with the rimes in their hands and the onsets they’ve drawn. If a word can be made with the onset drawn, link the bears together and lay the match down, face up. If more than one word can be made, choose only one match to lay down. If a match can’t be made, discard the onset.
- Play continues until a player is able to make words with all of his or her rime bears and wins.
Extension Activity
After students have played the word-building game, challenge them to be creative and use the words in a silly story.