What Can a Magnet Pick Up? by Harcourt Achieve Inc.

Magnet Activity

Magnets pick up and stick to many different things. They come in different shapes and sizes. They have different strengths, depending on their size. They have a force called a magnetic force. If not stored properly, magnets can lose their magnetic force. What kinds of things can a magnet pick up? Do this activity to find out.

paper clips
plastic protractor or ruler

WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity

Sample PDF Activity


  1. Place all the objects except the magnet on a table.
  2. Predict what the magnet will pick up.Record your predictions on the chart.
  3. Use the magnet to try to pick up each object. Which objects did the magnet pickup? Record your findings on the chart.


  1. Which objects stuck to the magnet?
  2. What are these objects made of?
  3. Name three other objects that a magnet can pick up.

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Harcourt Achieve Inc.offers some of the best social studies curriculum educational Products with a primary focus on K-8 educational products. Available as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Steck-Vaughn.

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