The White House Worksheets
Washington, D.C.
- The street address of the White House is: .
- Look at the map of historic sites on this page. What three places honor presidents?
- What river is shown on the map?
- Fill in the blanks below with north, south, east, or west.
- Who selected the location of our country’s capital city?
- Why was this location chosen?
- Describe what you might have seen if you were looking at the original Washington, D.C.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
White House Facts
- The White House was the biggest house in the United States until:
- Name the president who served the shortest term.
- How long did his term last?
Click on Constructing a Home for the President.

- The construction of the White House began in the year .
- Name the first president to live in the White House.
- What happened to the White House while James Madison was president?
- What did James Madison’s wife Dolley do to help?
Click on A Tour of the President’s House.
- The special item kept in the Blue Room each year is the .
- The walls of the Green Room were once covered with .
- The walls of the Red Room are covered with .
- The largest room in the White House is the
Click on Continued Tour of the President’s House.
- What happens in the Oval Office?
The People and Pets

Return to White House for Kids. Next, click on the link Kids in the White House. Read to answer the following questions.
- President Kennedy’s daughter Caroline had a pet named Macaroni that she often kept in the White House gardens. What kind of animal was it?
- President Lincoln’s youngest son Tad was known for his playfulness. What did he once do in the White House?
Click on Pets in the White House.
- Who is Buddy and when did he arrive at the White House?
- Who is Socks and how long has he lived at the White House?
- What unusual pet did Russell Harrison have at the White House?
Click on More Pets in the White House.
- Of all the presidential pets you learned about on these pages, which one would you like as a pet? Explain your answer. When you have finished, click on White House for Kids.
- Think of an area of concern in our country today, such as crime, violence, taxes, or the environment, and use the space below to write a letter to the president expressing your thoughts. Your teacher can help you e-mail your letter by clicking on the link Write to the White House.
The Presidents
To learn about the presidents of the United States, click on the link White House History. When you arrive at this page, click on the link The Presidents of the United States. Select two presidents you would like to read about and click on their links. Then, fill in the table below to help you compare and contrast the presidents.