The French and Indian War Colonial America Activity
The History
From 1754 to 1760, Great Britain and France fought a war that became known as the French and Indian War. This was the final war in a series of conflicts in North America between the British and French for territorial control—and the North American chapter of the larger Seven Years’ War, which was fought in Europe, as well as India.
The battlefields of the French and Indian War were in New York, Pennsylvania, and Canada. The winner would control a huge chunk of North America, including the land west of Pittsburgh (known as the Ohio Valley), the Great Lakes, and the St. Lawrence River. All the Indian tribes in this area had to choose sides in this war. Most of them chose to side with the French, including the Abenaki, the Ottawa, the Ojibwa, the Caughnawaga, the Winnebago, the Menominee, and the Potawatami. Only the Iroquois sided with the British.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
In 1763, the British and the French signed the Treaty of Paris that ultimately ended the French and Indian War. The French holdings in North America were reduced to two tiny islands off the coast of Canada. The British had won all the land from the east coast to the Mississippi River and as a result, Great Britain now ruled over an empire that rivaled in size and power the Roman Empire of ancient days. The jewel of this empire was America’s thirteen colonies that stretched from New Hampshire to Georgia and provided Great Britain with fish, fur, lumber, tobacco, indigo, rice, figs, pitch, and other valuable products.
The Assignment
Think of two adversaries fighting over one very valuable prize. Label the participants and the prize.
Possible Title
Great Britain Versus France

From Read Draw Remember American History Activities by Scholastic SC-0439385199-938519