Tee-Ball Activity and Worksheet
Read this information about playing Tee-Ball. Think about the meanings of the words in bold type.
Have you ever played Tee-Ball? This sport is played on a field like baseball. In Tee-Ball, there is no pitcher, or person to throw the ball. The hitting tee holds the ball for the batter. There is a catcher to catch the ball at home plate. The catcher and batter wear helmets and other equipment to protect themselves.
Each team gets a chance to bat and to play in the field. When one team bats, the other team is in the field. When everyone on a team has had a chance to hit the ball, the teams change places. The coach decides the number of innings, or times each team is at bat.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
The coach tells the players which positions, or places, they will play. The players learn to play all the positions. The coach shows the team how to hit the ball on the hitting tee. If a player misses hitting the ball, he or she can try again.
Batters always try to get a home run. After hitting the ball, the batter runs to first base. If the batter gets to base before the ball, the batter is safe. If not, the batter is out. Just like baseball, the batter can run to the next base when a teammate hits the ball. But be careful! The base player can tag out the runner.
There is no score in Tee-Ball. No one loses. The teams have a good time and enjoy their game. Everyone wins!

Batter Up! Worksheet Page 1
Label the drawing with the words.
catcher equipment batter coach hitting tee
Also . . .
- What is a team?
- What are innings?
- Name some positions in Tee-Ball.
Batter Up! Worksheet Page 2

Match each word with its clue.
catcher equipment batter positions
coach hitting tee innings team
- where the ball is placed for the batter _______.
- the player who catches the ball at home plate _.
- the person who teaches the team _______.
- times each team is at bat _______.
- a group of players _______.
- the player who hits the ball _______.
- what players wear to keep from being hurt ___.
- places to play on the field _______.
Game Time
Think of the name of another sport. How many are on the team? What does the coach do? What equipment is used? What are the positions on the field? Write a paragraph about this sport.
Batter Up Answer Key
The following answers read from top to bottom and left to right:
hitting tee
1.–3. Answers will vary.
- hitting tee
- catcher
- coach
- innings
- team
- batter
- equipment
- positions