Learning For Little One Published by HighReach Learning. Inc.
Find the hidden summer items. Use the key for help.
Hidden Summer Items
Hooray For Summer!
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity

Watermelon Fun Activity
Cut Paper Plate Watermelon Shakers Cut a large paper plate in half. Turn both halves facedown and paint the outside edge of each piece green and the inside red. Once the paint has dried, add black fingerprint seeds to both pieces. Then put the half paper plates together with the painted side out and staple around the outside edge, leaving a small opening. Put some small candies or dried beans inside the paper plates and staple closed. When the watermelon shakers are finished, shake them while listening to recorded music.
Count the Seeds Game
To make the game: Cut a large circle from white posterboard. Use red and green paint to decorate the posterboard to look like a piece of watermelon. Do not add any seeds. Instead, cut ten seeds from black posterboard. In addition, print the numbers 1-10 on blank index cards.
To play the game: Turn the number cards facedown on the table. Have your child pick a card, identify the number, and then put the corresponding number of seeds on the watermelon slice. After verifying the answer, remove the seeds and pick another card. Continue to play the game in this fashion until all of the cards have been used.

Watermelon Necklace
Cut a small paper plate in half. Decorate the outside edge of the paper plate half with crumpled pieces of green art tissue and the inside portion with red at tissue. Glue a few pieces of crumpled black art tissue to the red portion for seeds.
Complete the necklace by adding a piece of yarn.