Sing Along and Learn Early Skills Activity
Whether they’re clapping, tapping, humming, or singing… children are natural music makers. They are drawn by music’s natural rhythm and repetition. The playful, original songs on your Sing Along and Learn audio CD will provide lively, multisensory learning experiences for your child. Toe-tapping tunes such as “The Alphabet Vacation,” “Five Pennies Make a Nickel,” and “Tick-Tock Rock” will help your child learn about important early concepts including the alphabet, money, time, colors, and more.
Read on to discover fun, quick and easy activities that you can do with your child, specially designed to help you make the most of these irresistible and educational songs!
So invite music into your home—and get ready to sing along and learn!
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
- Play the song on the audio CD for your child to enjoy.
- Sing the song as you and your child track the words. Encourage your child to join in on the repetitive parts of the song.
- Have your child clap the rhythm of the song as you sing it aloud.
- Invite your child to act out a song or add movements. For example, your child might make the motions of the various animals described in “The Animal Dance.” Or you might invite your child to act out the mixedup antics of “Mr. Muddle” getting dressed.
- Your child will love to listen to and play instruments while singing each song. A pair of wooden spoons makes a great percussion instrument. String jingle bells on yarn to add ringing and tinkling to the songs. Or place dried beans in a clean, dry milk carton, tape closed, and shake, shake, shake!
Try the quick and easy activities on the pages that follow to enrich and extend your child’s learning.
Opposites Song – Zig and Zag

Zig and Zag were opposites,
but they were best of friends.
As different as they could get,
but they were best of friends.
Yes, they were best of friends.
If Zig said, “Yes,” Zag said, “No!”
When Zig said, “Come,” Zag said, “Go!”
If Zig went left, Zag went right!
When Zig said, “Day,” Zag said, “Night!”
If Zig went in, Zag went out!
And when Zig whispered,
Zag would shout!
If Zig was hot, Zag was cold!
When Zig said, “New,” Zag said, “Old!”

Just like the garden and the girl
named Mary,
Zig and Zag were quite contrary.
Night or day, sun or rain,
they never were the same.
If Zig said, “Square,” Zag said, “Round!”
If Zig said, “Up,” Zag said, “Down!”
When Zig was happy, Zag was sad!
When Zig said, “Good,” Zag said, “Bad!”
If Zig said, “High,” Zag said, “Low!”
When Zig went fast, Zag went slow!
If Zig said, “Off,” Zag said, “On!”
When Zig said, “Right,” Zag said, “Wrong!”
Money Song – Five Pennies Make a Nickel

One, two, three, four, and five.
Count five pennies and you’ll find
you’ve got a nickel, oh, yes you do.
’Cause a nickel is the same as five cents, too.
Now wait a minute, sakes alive.
You mean, a penny is a penny,
till you get five?
Because five pennies is a nickel, too?
Oh, what am I ever supposed to do?

Five pennies make a nickel.
Two nickels make a dime.
Five pennies make a nickel.
Each and every time.
Well, it takes five pennies to make a nickel.
It takes two nickels to make a dime,
which means a dime is ten cents, too.
’Cause ten, you see, is five times two.
Now wait a minute, sakes alive.
You’re telling me ten cents make a dime?
But a dime is a nickel and another one, too?
Oh, what am I ever supposed to do?
Well, count right up to 25
then you’ve got a quarter, every time,
which is one nickel and two dimes.
That’s two times ten and one times five.
Now wait a minute, sakes alive.
A quarter is a nickel and two dimes?
But twenty-five cents make a quarter, too?
Oh, what am I ever supposed to do?
Numbers Song – I Saw Ten Big Dinosaurs

I saw four big dinosaurs
in a symphony.
The tyrannosaurus dropped his trombone
and then there were only three.
I saw three big dinosaurs
paddling a canoe.
The iguanodon went in the lake
and then there were only two.
I saw two big dinosaurs
surfing in the sun.
The maiasaura made a mighty splash
and then there was only one.
I saw one little dinosaur
playing basketball.
She went to see where the others had gone…
Time Song – Tick – Tock Rock

Tick tock, eight o’clock,
there goes the alarm clock,
pulling on my shoes and socks,
Tick tock, tick.
Tick tock, nine o’clock
up comes the toast, pop!
Put some jelly on the top,
tick tock, tick.
All day long, the clocks are rocking.
Everybody’s listening
to the tick-tick tocking.
People telling time,
up and down the block.
Everybody’s doing the tick-tock rock.
Tick tock, ten o’clock,
do my chores, feed the dog,
ride my bike around the block,
tick tock, tick.
Tick tock, eleven o’clock,
ride to the pet shop,
listen to the parrots squawk,
tick tock, tick.