School Center Signs Classroom Activity Sheet
Create an interactive classroom organizer that promotes independent learning and responsibility.
Featured Display
Here’s a hands-on way to track students in learning centers. Display the learning center signs and leave space under each. Students write their names on handprint accents. Store accents in a construction-paper pocket taped to the display. Before going to a center, the student puts his or her name accent beneath the center sign. Afterward, the accent goes back in the pocket.
You’ll need:
T-8701 School Center Signs MiniBulletin Board Set
T-10930 Handprints Classic Accents® Variety Pack
T-92329 Bright Bricks Terrific Trimmers®
T-477 Deep Pink 4″ Casual Ready Letters®
Double-stick tape and construction paper.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Keep the theme going:
T-8212 Hands in Harmony Bulletin Board Set
T-92002 Helping Hands Terrific Trimmers®
T-10831 Handprints Mini accents Variety Pack
T-10826 Pencils Mini Accents
T-72333 Helping Hands Note Pad
T-18011 Helping Hands Monthly Calendar Grid