Math Classroom Activity Sheet
Fraction Fun
(Use T-10937 Pizza Pals)
Teach equivalent fractions while you make pizza! Each slice is one-eighth of a pizza. The pizzas show the relationship between eighths, quarters, halves, and wholes.
Money Mobile
(Use T-10927 U.S. Coins)
Teach coin values by making mobiles out of coins. Place a one dollar bill from the U.S. Money Bulletin Board Set (T-8142) in the center of the mobile. Then have students create their mobiles by combining coins of their choice to equal one dollar. You may want to use more than one pack of coins to make your mobile.
Handy Handprints
(Use T-10930 Handprints)
The variety of left and right hands in this pack is perfect for teaching left and right orientation and the names of different fingers.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Fishing for Facts
(Use T-10936 Fish Friends)
Create your own fishpond and write math facts on the back of each fish. No limit on these prize fish!
(Use T-10940 Fall Leaves)
These leaves are perfect for activities that teach sorting and patterning. In the fall, you can go outside and repeat some of your activities using real leaves you find on the ground.
Reading/Writing Classroom Activity Sheet
Book Chain
(Use T-10941 Monkey Mischief)
Invite each student who completes a book to write the title on a banana. Then, create a chain of monkeys around your room by linking the monkeys. This is a playful graphic display that shows how much your class likes to read!
Taco-rific Tales
(Use T-10935 Taco Amigos)
For a fun display, write story titles on taco accents and attach student stories to each.
Match That Quote
(Use T-10928 Speech Balloons)
Write famous quotes on the accents and challenge students to match them to photos of the famous speakers.
More Reading/Writing Activities

Word Wall
(Use T-10926 Chunky Pencils)
Add color and fun to your word wall. Use only one color for each letter to help students find the words on the wall. Fit two or three words on each pencil.
Book Reviews
(Use T-10931 Bright Books)
Have each student write a book review on an accent after they finish reading a book. Consider having them leave their book reviews in the books as bookmarks before returning them to the school library. (Be sure to tell them not to give away the endings!)
Hello Pen Pals!
(Use T-10933 Nice Notes)
Find a class at another school to be your pen pals. Invite students to write or mount their pen pal letters on accents. Cut a slit along the envelope line to insert each letter into the envelope.
Just for Fun Classroom Activity Sheet
Party Favor Fun
(Use T-10935 Taco Amigos)
Spice up the party! Roll and tape the taco accents to create napkin rings and treat funnels. Cut the taco accents to create decorative nameplates.
Treasure Hunt!
(Use T-10929 Footprints)
Write clues on footprint accents and use them to lead your students around the school on a scavenger hunt. The footprints may lead to a new book for the classroom, a special activity in the library, or anywhere your imagination wants to lead them.
Flag Designs
(Use T-10932 Friendly Flags)
Students can create personal flags that use symbols to tell who they are. Display all flags on a bulletin board, with a class flag in the middle. Decorate flags with TREND superSpots®, superShapes, and Sparkle Stickers®.
Give Yourself a Hand
(Use T-10930 Handprints)
Whenever you see a student being helpful or kind, give that child a hand. Have each student write his or her name on a handprint, then link the hands in a chain around the classroom.

Job Chart
(Use T-10934 Playful Pockets)
Cut a slit in each pocket accent. Write a job on each pocket and display on a bulletin board. Write names on colored paper, attach to popsicle sticks, and place in each pocket to assign jobs.
Fresh Flower Kids
(Use T-10923 Flower Power)
Put your students’ pictures in the center of the flowers and display them in vases around the room or on your desk.
Good Advice
(Use T-10928 Speech Balloons)
At the end of the school year, have each student draw a self-portrait. Give each student a speech balloon accent to write their advice to next year’s students. At the beginning of the next school year, pin their work to a bulletin board to welcome the new class.
Pizza Praise
(Use T-10937 Pizza Pals)
Have students write their names on a pizza slice. Give “toppings” as incentives for reading, extra credit, or effort.