Speech • Language • Literacy
The “Listen & Say” Series is a unique set of storybooks written to assist children as they master specific speech sounds. The entertaining stories are designed to present the target sounds in the beginning, middle, and end of words, while improving listening, language, and early learning skills. The stories are beneficial for improving reading comprehension, letter recognition, phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, and for promoting reading togetherness. Each story provides a character education lesson with an opportunity to discuss feelings, improve communication, and resolve problems more effectively. Interesting characters and bright illustrations provide a valuable tool when working with children to improve speech and language difficulties. Visual reminders in the books and dynamic audio story recordings will make children want to “Listen & Say” those hard-to-capture sounds again and again!
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Sample PDF Activity
Listen & Say Series
• Each book focuses on a single commonly misarticulated phoneme including: /l/, /r/, /s/, /ch/, /th/, /sh/, /f/, /k/, /g/, /v/, and /j/.
• Books and captivating audio CDs enhance individual lessons, group sessions and independent listening centers.
• Target sounds are highlighted throughout the stories to provide a visual cue to both the reader and listener.
• In addition to articulation, these books target a wide range of speech and language goals (expressive and receptive vocabulary, comprehension and use of “wh” questions, sequencing, and pragmatic language goals).
• Vocabulary lists enable practice of the sounds in initial, medial, and final positions within words.
• Reading comprehension questions prompt spontaneous production of targeted phonemes.
• Tips for production and helpful suggestions for parents are included to promote carryover at home.
• Each story contains a character education lesson about topics such as friendship, teamwork, and sharing.
The “Listen & Say” Series is a valuable resource which can be used repeatedly for multiple purposes. Children learn and retain information through repetition as they associate speech sounds with the storybook characters.
These books allow flexibility to enable speech-language pathologists to adapt therapy sessions specifically to each student’s individual needs. Classroom teachers will enjoy using the series to build language skills in a large or small group setting.
For older students who can read, these books are an excellent way to monitor progress. The target sounds are highlighted, which gives the child a visual reminder to utilize proper placement of articulators. In addition, speech-language pathologists as well as classroom teachers can record their students’ readings and play the recordings back to encourage self-monitoring.
“Listen & Say” is a wonderful way to combine character lessons and improve speech through the play of language!