Flash Fun Activity Ideas
Grade Level: PK–2
Subject: Language Arts; Math
Turn borders and trimmers into flash cards to support the learning of basic skills.
Materials Needed:
• TREND U.S. Coins Terrific Trimmers® (T-92126)
• TREND Number Tumble Terrific Trimmers® (T-92035)
• TREND Alphabet Bolder Borders® (T-85029)
• TREND Colors Bolder Borders® (T-85032)
• Scissors
Trimmers and borders that relate to basic skills help you teach and make learning fun. One trimmer or border makes a set of flash cards, and two can make a matching game.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
- Use Bolder Borders® to make alphabet and color flash cards. Cut each letter and color apart to make individual flash cards.
- Use the alphabet cards to learn the letters and ABC order. Name things that begin with each letter sound.
- Use the color cards to learn colors. Add words to the back of each card to name items that are the particular color.
- Cut the Terrific Trimmers® to create different-sized pieces. Each trimmer can be cut in different lengths so that there are a larger variety of options. Use the number trimmers to order numbers from smallest to largest. Create number sequences or equations with the numerals on each piece.
- Using the coin trimmer pieces, add the coins to total the value on each piece.
- Use the cut trimmers and borders to make games, and for individual drill and assessment.

Other TREND Terrific Trimmers® and Bolder Borders® can be used to create flash cards on many different themes.