Goldilocks and the Three Bears retold by Candice Ransom illustrated by Laura J. Bryant
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Once there were three bears who lived in a neat little house deep in the woods. The great big bear was Papa Bear. He had a loud, growly voice. The middle-sized bear was Mama Bear. She had a sweet, low voice. And the smallest bear was Baby Bear. He had a high, squeaky voice.

Every morning, the bears had breakfast together. They each had their own bowl, which they filled to the top with hot porridge. There was a great big bowl for Papa Bear. There was a middle-sized bowl for Mama Bear. And there was a little bowl for Baby Bear.

ISBN 1-57768-178-9
Copyright © 2002 School Specialty Publishing. Published by Brighter Child®, an imprint of School Specialty Publishing, a member of the School Specialty Family.