Teaching Guide Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Fairy Tale Masks with Easy-to-Read Play!
This innovative resource provides children with imaginative, fun-filled opportunities to dramatize a fairy tale favorite. This set contains a character mask for Goldilocks and each of the three bears plus this teaching guide filled with great tips and activities including:
- easy how-to’s for introducing and storing the masks (page 2)
- easy how-to’s for using the masks to boost essential reading and writing skills (page 3)
- a reproducible, read-aloud story version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears (pages 4-5)
- a reproducible easy-to-read play version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears (pages 6–7)
- reproducible puppets (page 8)
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
The read-along story and act-it-out play are presented in simple, repetitive formats that are easy for children to read and are rich in learning. While children work with the masks and printed materials, they’ll develop reading fluency skills through sight word recognition, repetitive text, and expressive phrases. Other skills that can be emphasized include decoding words, building vocabulary: using context clues, predicting events, and retelling a story. Whether engaged in a read-along or act-it-out version of the story or just enjoying the performance of others, children will be inspired by the creative ways these colorful masks can be used to retell this fairy tale classic.
Building Reading Skills with Fairy Tale Masks and Plays
The goal of all reading is comprehension. Although there are many ways to monitor student comprehension, research shows that one of the best ways is retelling. Regular use of retellings improves children’s understanding of a specific text and of text forms in general. Retellings are also an ideal way to check children’s listening comprehension, reinforce and apply new vocabulary, evaluate overall depth of understanding, and determine a child’s ability to organize information. Retellings allow you to see how well as well as how much information children retain after reading or hearing text. In addition, they serve as a vital precursor to the development of summarization skills so critical in later grades (Moss, 2004).

This unique set provides an engaging way for children to retell beloved classic tales. By inviting children to retell Goldilocks and the Three Gears with masks, even your youngest learners and pre-readers will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the story’s structure, important details, and bey vocabulary But this innovative kit is also great for English language learners, struggling readers, and even experienced readers. Why? The reproducible easy-to-read play on pages 6 and 7 invites children to practice reading the play with their peers multiple times, which will serve to increase their high-utility word vocabularies. And here’s more good news. This set will help children gain mastery of important aspects of fluency, including reading with the proper phrasing pace, and intonation