Discover Insects Activity Sheet
Students get hands-on experience classifying insects with this big, buggy display!
Featured Display
Create a display to capture kids’ attention. Set the scene with fadeless paper, and then add two large white paper circles. Frame with trimmer. Glue plastic bugs along the trimmer. Add other toys, such as a net and magnifying glass. Attach hook-n-loop tape to bugs and labels. Label the Venn diagram, “Insects that Fly” and “Insects that Walk.” Students classify the bugs in each section of the diagram. Discuss your findings.
You’ll need:
T-8605 Discover Insects MiniBulletin Board Set
T-80011 Grass Discovery™ Trimmers
T-69204 Monarch Butterflies
DeskToppers® Name Plates Green fadeless paper, white paper, plastic bugs, toy magnifying glass, bug net, double-stick tape, and hook-n-loop tape.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Keep the theme going:
Keep the theme going:
T-38184 Exploring Insects Learning Chart
T-10957 Butterflies Discovery™ Classic Accents® Variety Packs
T-46186 Busy Bugs Discovery™ Stickers
T-46085 Bold Butterflies Discovery™ Stickers