Count Up To 100th Day Flip Chart for Grades K-2 by Scholastic SC-0439720893 972089

100 Days of School Activities

Fun, Five-Minute Learning Activities to Celebrate Each of the First 100 Days of School

ISBN-13: 978-0-439-72089-2
ISBN-10 0-439-72089-3

Turtle wants to learn to write his name this year. Think of 1 new thing that you want to learn this school year.

WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity

Sample PDF Activity

Eyes, ears, socks, and shoes all come in pairs. Help Ostrich think of other things that come in 2’s.

Possible answers: hands, feet, wings, antennae, chopsticks, skates, mittens, etc.

There are 3 letters in Cow’s name. Can you think of more animals with 3-letter names?

Possible answers: dog, cat, pig, hen, owl, bat, ape, rat, elk, doe, ram, yak, etc.

Beaver’s lunchbox has 4 corners. How many things in your classroom can you find with 4 corners?

Possible answers: chalkboard, window, book, desk, poster, etc.

Starfish has a riddle for you: When do 5 and 5 make more than 10?

Answer: When they make 55!

Look! Snake knows how to make the number 6 with his body! Roll a snake-shaped piece of clay. Use it to make the number 6.

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