Continents & Countries Classroom Activity Sheet
Sharpen geography skills and set students on a course for discovery learning of cultures, history, and more.
Featured Display
Use this set to encourage hands-on learning of geography, history, cultures, and more. To help students learn the countries and flags of the world, display all the pieces in the set, and have students use yarn and push pins to connect the flags and countries. Another idea (not shown) is to use accent speech balloons to call out the location of a book, historical event, or students’ ancestors.
The possibilities are endless!
You’ll need:
T-8259 Continents & Countries Bulletin Board Set
T-85078 People of the World Bolder Borders®
Colored yarn and push pins.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Keep the theme going:
T-91352 World Flags Terrific Trimmers®
T-38930 Continents Learning Charts Combo Pack
T-38066 Reading a Map Learning Chart
TA-62972 Diversity ARGUS® Poster
T-10828 Speech Balloons Mini Accents Variety Pack
T-25035 Everyone Smiles… Quotable Expressions® Banner
T-69033 People of the World Desk Toppers® Name Plates
T-73322 People of the World Incentive Chart
T-18015 People of the World Calendar Grid
T-72334 People of the World Note Pad
T-6138 Famous Landmarks Bingo game