Consonant Blend And Digraph
- Write at least ten new consonant blend words by adding b, c, d, g, p, or t to words that start with the letter r.
- Write at least ten new consonant blend words by adding b, c, g, p, or s to words that start with the letter l.
- Look up the meaning of eight words that start or end with consonant blends or digraphs. Add the words to your personal dictionary.
- Write a sentence for each of the words you looked up.
- Make up your own nonsense sentences. See if anyone in your group can figure out the real words.
- Write a story using 12 or more nonsense words that start or end with blends. You must be able to substitute real words for the nonsense words. Ask your teacher if you can have a contest to see who can rewrite the story correctly.
- Choose a consonant blend. Look in the phone book. How many names can you find that start with the blend you are working on?
- Look at the list of blend words you are working on. Rewrite them in alphabetical order.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
- Play Timing Rhyming with one or more people in your group. Here’s how:
You’ll need a timer and a list of consonant blend word endings.
One player says an ending, such as mp. The next player says as many rhyming words as she or he can in one minute. Each word counts as one point. The person with the most points wins.
Variation: If there are more than two players, make one player the recorder. That player must write the words as they are given. If all the words are spelled correctly, the recorder gets double points. - Play Add-A-Rhyme with one or more people in your group.
Here’s how:
Start by telling a short rhyming story. The next player must add two rhyming lines to your story. The lines must be about the objects named in your rhyming story. Keep taking turns by adding rhyming lines about the objects named.
Player One:
On the movie screen
I saw a scene starring Ms. Green.
She was sitting on a mat
And she was wearing a funny hat.
Player Two:
The hat was blue
And it matched her shoe.
Player One:
The shoe was so small
Ms. Green couldn’t walk at all. - Alliterative Blend Categories
You can do this on your own or work with a partner.
Choose a blend you are working on. Then choose a category.
How many words can you think of in one minute?
Example: Blend is fr. Category is food. Words: frankfurters, french fries, fruit. - Organize a word hunt for your group. Place words that start or end with consonant blends around the room. Give everyone in the group written descriptions of each word, including the blend with which it starts or ends. The person who finds the most words is the winner.
- Consonant Story Challenge
Challenge one or more children in your group to make up a story using a consonant letter or blend as many times as possible. Set a time limit. The person who uses the most different words starting with that sound is the winner.