Comprehension Crosswords – Grade 5
Table of Contents
Charles Lindbergh – 2
The American Colonies – 4
The Road to Revolution – 6
The Civil War – 8
The Move West – 10
Viruses vs Bacteria – 12
Energy Mania – 14
Amazing Oxygen! – 16
The Scientific Process – 18
Layers of the Earth – 20
Mark Twain – 22
Levi Strauss – 24
Louisa May Alcott – 26
Sally Ride – 28
Puzzle Solutions – 30-32
ISBN 1-56472-189-2
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh, or “Lucky Lindy,” made his mark in history on May 20, 1927, when he became the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean non-stop in an airplane. This flight transformed American air transportation and private aviation forever! Immediately, Lindbergh became famous throughout the world. Many historians considered Charles Lindbergh the century’s first hero. Sadly, however, his life was filled with both triumph and great tragedy.
Charles Augustus Lindbergh was born on February 4, 1902, in Detroit, Michigan. Lindbergh spent his early years growing up on the family farm in Minnesota. Throughout his childhood, Charles showed exceptional mechanical aptitude. His family strongly encouraged him to continue onto college, although he was more interested in aviation than he was in studying. After graduating from high school, Charles began his studies at the University of Wisconsin. However, after two years, his love for flying finally prevailed. Charles left the University of Wisconsin and enrolled in flying school in Lincoln, Nebraska. Charles was well known for his “nerves of steel.” While in aviation school he performed as a daredevil wing walker and parachutist throughout the Midwest. Upon receiving his pilot’s license, Charles accepted a job as the first airmail pilot flying between Chicago and St. Louis. The Midwest’s unpredictable weather soon earned Lindbergh the reputation of a pilot who “could keep his head about him.”

The end of World War I brought a feeling of reconciliation among the nations of the world. People from different countries were anxious to be drawn closer together. At the same time, people were wildly enthusiastic about the new field of aviation, and were eager to use airplanes for more extensive world travel. In an effort to encourage the growth of aviation, New York City hotel owner Raymond Orteig offered a prize of $25,000 to the first person who could fly nonstop from New York to Paris. Lindbergh jumped at the opportunity to make money, as well as to “make history”! Lindbergh’s aircraft was called The Spirit of St. Louis because it was paid for by a group of St. Louis businessmen. Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field in Long Island, New York, on May 20, 1927. He landed safely in Paris, France, 33 1/2 hours later! At the moment of landing, Lindbergh became a worldwide celebrity. Today, his historic airplane is suspended from the ceiling of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.
Lindbergh’s flying career continued into World War II, when he served as a civilian test pilot in the South Pacific. His war efforts truly changed the tactics of low-altitude combat flying. His life, however, was overshadowed with great tragedy upon the kidnapping and death of his infant son in 1932. This “Crime of the Century,” as it was called by the news media, resulted in overwhelming attention and controversy. To protect his privacy, Lindbergh and his family moved to Europe, where they lived for many years. He died in Hawaii in 1974, having lived his final years in great sadness and sorrow.
Charles Lindbergh Crossword

- The kidnapping and death of Lindbergh’s infant son was called “The Crime of the _.”
- Name of the airfield where Lindbergh began his historic flight
- Lindbergh’s plane is displayed in this famous institute.
- Lindbergh flew across this ocean during his historic flight.
- Lindbergh worked as this type of pilot while flying between the cities of Chicago and St. Louis.
- University where Charles enrolled
- Lindbergh was this type of wing walker
- Charles Lindbergh was also referred to by this name. (two words)
- Lindbergh moved his family here to protect their privacy.
- During World War II, Lindbergh served as a _ pilot.
- City in which Lindbergh was born
- Month in which Lindbergh made his historic flight
- Name of the man who offered a prize to the person who flew nonstop from New York to Paris
- As a child, Lindbergh displayed _ aptitude.
- Lindbergh earned the reputation for being a “cool headed” pilot for flying in unpredictable _.