Comprehension Crosswords – Grade 2
Table of Contents
The First Plays – 2
Hans Christian Anderson – 3
The Ugly Duckling – 4
A Slow Mover – 5
A Useful Trunk – 6
Dance of the Bees – 7
Johnny Appleseed – 8
Paul Bunyan – 9
Bony Facts – 10
The Amazing Octopus – 11
Built for the Cold – 12
Falling Rain, Falling Snow – 13
The Moon’s “Weather” – 14
The King of the Planets – 15
How Long Is a Foot? – 16
A “Walking” Fish – 17
A Meat-Eating Plant – 18
Shutting Down for the Winter – 19
Tree Champions – 20
Why We Use Stamps – 21
Round Maps – 22
Talking Drums – 23
A Story from Africa – 24
Kites at Work – 25
The Tallest Animal – 26
Mighty Ants – 27
The First Teddy Bear – 28
Puzzle Solutions – 29-32
ISBN 1-56472-186-8
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
The First Plays
Use words from the story to complete the puzzle.
The first plays were performed long ago in Greece. They were done outdoors. Many people came to see them. Only men acted in the plays. They took the parts of both men and women. The actors wore large masks to show which roles they were playing. The Greeks had contests for people who wrote or acted in plays. The first person to win one of these contests was an actor named Thespis. The English word thespian came from his name. The word means actor.

- Greek plays were done _.
- People who act in plays are called _.
- Many _ came to see the first plays.
- Only _ acted in plays.
- Thespis won a _.
- The first plays were performed in _.
- Men played the parts of both men and _.
- Greek actors wore large _.
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen was an author. He was born into a poor family in Denmark. As a teenager, he tried to earn a living as an actor, singer and dancer. Those jobs did not work out. Then he tried writing. He wrote plays and books, but became most famous for his fairy tales. He wrote “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Little Mermaid” and 166 other stories! Today, his fairy tales are loved all over the world.

- Stories that are acted out on stage
- Someone between the ages of 13 and 19
- Well-known
- One who acts in a show
- Having little money
- One who writes stories
- A country in Europe
- The kinds of work people do