Capitol Map, White House Worksheets & Coloring Activity Sheets
Capitol Map
The area around the White House contains many interesting monuments, memorials, and museums. Imagine that you are planning a two-day visit to Washington, D.C. Working with a small group, do research and create an itinerary for your trip. You may want to visit some of the Smithsonian museums, the Vietnam Memorial, the Corcoran Art Museum, and the Lincoln Monument, to name just a few. Create a schedule for your visit. How long will your group spend at each place, and why? Will you visit the White House? Create a packet with your travel plans, short descriptions of the places you want to visit, and a map of the area around the Capitol Building.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Tour the White House
Every day, more than 6,000 tourists come and visit the White House. Some tour this presidential abode on their own while others go on a guided tour. Create a tour brochure that will guide tourists to different parts of the White House. What areas do you think people shouldn’t miss on their tour? What are the highlights? Write a detailed description of each stop in the tour, including fascinating facts. Use a word-processing program or a multimedia software (HyperStudio or PowerPoint) to present your brochure to the class.
First Ladies’ Election
The United States’ First Ladies contributed greatly to the development of the White House and the growth of our country. Choose a First Lady to report on and write a short biography of her life. In our report, answer these questions: When did she live? Where was she born? What were her most important accomplishments as First Lady? Present your biography to the class. After other students have presented their reports, hold a mock election with the class to see which First Lady they like best.