Quick, fun, skill-based lessons for young readers
All About Me
Let’s find out about you! Write the answer to each question as best you can.
- What is your name?___________
- How old are you? __
- When is your birthday?__
- What do you do for fun? _______________
- What is your favorite color?_____________
- What is the best book you’ve ever read?___
- What is your favorite animal?____________
- What is your best friend’s name?_________
- Do you have brothers and sisters?________
What are their names?________________ - Draw a picture of yourself with your family.
More teacher resources
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Back-to-School Checklist

_ Roll sheet List of parents, addresses, telephone numbers
Calendar for students for your desk _school events and holidays calendar numbers holiday shapes and pictures _ months, days Plan Book
Grade book or software List of children’s birthdays
Parent letters Welcome Request for help or materials Student name cards
Class rules Supplies
pencils chalk white board markers copy paper
lined paper unlined paper sentence strip tagboard
crayons marking pens __ drawing paper
_construction paper
_ blue red green purple black pink brown orange white other ___________________________
_ bulletin board materials patterns border trim teacher pens glue sticks paper clips index cards rubber bands tape paper fasteners tape stapler staples tacks
markers blue black red _ other Awards
Stickers Student name cards Class rules _ Camera and film
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