Lion’s Picnic – Extension Activities
Divide the class into small groups. Give each student a lunch-sized paper bag. Place assorted objects on a table. Instruct students to gather small items to put in their bags. Each student should select enough items so that there is one for each member of the group (including themselves).
After students have returned to their groups, ask one student from each group to distribute the objects from his or her bag to the other members of the group. If someone miscounted, let the student go back to get more objects or to return extras. Have students take turns distributing their objects, making sure they give one object to each person. After everyone has had a turn, reorganize the students into different-sized groups and repeat the activity.
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
How to Make the Mini-Books
- Make double-sided photocopies of the mini-book pages. Carefully tear along the perforation to remove the pages from the book. (Note: If your photocopy machine does not have a doublesided function, first make copies of mini-book pages 1/3. Place these copies in the paper tray with the blank side facing up. Next, make a copy of mini-book pages 2/4 so that the page copies directly behind pages 1/3. Make a test copy to be sure the pages are aligned correctly and that page 2 appears directly behind page 1. Repeat these steps with pages 5/7 and 6/8.)
- Cut the mini-book pages apart along the dashed line.
- Place the pages in numerical order, and then staple them along the mini-book’s spine.
- Invite students to color the illustrations.
Lion’s Picnic Activity

Frog said, “I brought a bag of flies to eat!
There is 1 for each of us.”
“Yuck!” cried the friends.

Lion asked his friends to come on a picnic.
Goat said, “I brought a bag of rotten apples to eat!
There is 1 for each of us.”
“Yuck!” cried the friends.

Mouse said, “I brought a bag of stinky cheese to eat!
There is 1 piece for each of us.”
“Yuck!” cried the friends.
Lion said, “I think we should each eat our own food.”
“That is a great idea,” said Mouse. “What did you bring?”
“Cookies!” said Lion.
“Not fair!” cried the friends.

Bird said, “I brought a bag of worms to eat!
There is 1 for each of us.”
“Yuck!” cried the friends.
Lion wants to share his cookies.
Draw lines to put one cookie on each plate.