TeachersParadise.com Security
TeachersParadise.com Safe Shopping Security ensures that your credit card information is safe and your privacy respected. We protect your shopping experience by:
- Utilizing SSL Technology
- Hosting our site and systems on secure servers
Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
We use encryption technology to encrypt your information, ensuring that your transactions stay private and protected. TeachersParadise.com fulfillment system is not connected to the Internet and is not accessible in any way, which keeps your information secure once it reaches us.
What Keeps My Credit Card Safe?
At TeachersParadise.com, whenever you provide any personal information (e.g. such as creating your account, when making a purchase, completing an e-mail form), we encrypt it so that no one can read it while it is being transmitted over the Internet. At this time, all information (such as your name and address) is safely stored behind a firewall. A firewall is a set of related programs that protects your information from users from other networks. We store this type of information so that you do not have to re-enter it each time you make a purchase or log in.
Is My Personal Information Safe?
Yes, any personal information that you submit to the site will remain safe and secure. In order to offer you an individualized shopping experience at TeachersParadise.com we collect various types of information such as:
- e-mail addresses of those who e-mail us or register with us
- information on how many visits each page receives
- user-specific information on what pages consumers visit
- information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations