WORLD CLASS LEARNING MATERIALS Complete Bug And Animal Puppetglove Set W-EJ7816
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Grade: Preschool - 3rd
Build oral language skills including storytelling, relating events sequentially, recall of simple songs and rhymes and more with these beautiful cloth puppet-gloves. Each puppet-glove is made of soft, stretch velour and fits hand sizes child to adult. Puppet-gloves are designed so that the fingers of the hand provide movement for the head and arms/legs of each figure. The average animal size is 9-1/2″ (24cm). The complete Bug and Animal Puppet-Glove Set includes all 15 puppet-gloves – bear, elephant, wolf, mole, bee, mosquito, spider, ladybug, snail, caterpillar, hen, mouse, cat, dog, and pig. Think of all the stories that could be read or told with the help of one or more of these puppets: Brown Bear, Brown Bear; Babar; Little Red Hen; Three Pigs; Puss in Boots; If You Give a Mouse a Cookie; Corduroy; Harry the Dirty Dog; Good Night Moon; Chicken Little and many, many more.