STECK-VAUGHN SCHOOL SUPPLY Middle School Math: Decimals & Percents SV-13013
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Grade: 5th - 8th
Brand: Steck-Vaughn
Secondary Brand: Steck-Vaughn School Supply Harcourt School Supply
UPC: 735063020336
This skill-specific series reinforces and enhances the middle school math curriculum. It provides teachers and parents with a tool to focus on the skills that students need to review and reinforce. The lessons provide step-by-step instructions, sample problems, and practice that enable students to work independently.Rules and examples are provided on each page.
Innovative exercises challenge students to creatively apply their knowledge.
Assessments in standardized test forms, bound-in answer key.
Fractions-includes these four units: Concepts, Computation, Applying Fractions, and Problem Solving.
Special Notes:
48 perforated pages
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