STECK-VAUGHN SCHOOL SUPPLY Master Concepts And Computations Grade 2 SV-80464
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Grade: 2nd
Brand: Steck-Vaughn
Secondary Brand: Steck-Vaughn School Supply Harcourt School Supply
UPC: 73168845264
Best Seller!
Now you can work on all the NCTM Standards with one engaging reproducible book for each grade level. Easy-to-understand practice exercises help students build conceptual knowledge and computation skills together. Each book addresses essential grade-appropriate math areas. Separate assessments present algorithms and word problems for pre- and posttesting. Matches NCTM standards.
Great preparation for standardized testing!
Students learn organization, logical reasoning, and communication, in addition to math basics.
Real-world problem on each page.
Helps to prepare students for the math of everyday life.
Special Notes:
Reproducible Series
96 perforated pages
Bound-in answer key
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