STECK-VAUGHN SCHOOL SUPPLY Life Science Grade 3 SV-38433
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Grade: 3rd
Brand: Steck-Vaughn
Secondary Brand: Steck-Vaughn School Supply Harcourt School Supply
UPC: 10111093327
Life, Physical, and Earth & Space Science series address FOSS Standards!
A basic understanding of science boosts students’ understanding of the world around them. Thorough information, varied exercises, and hand-on activities make these books handy companions to the regular science curriculum. Letter to Parents; curriculum correlation.Address NSE and FOSS Standards!
Thorough information on living and nonliving things, plants, animals, health, and nutrition.
Students learn about plant and animal cells, plants, and photosynthesis, the biosphere, the human body, safety, and more.
Assessment for each unit.
Details on science fairs and the scientific method.
Special Notes:
6-Book Reproducible Series
128/144 perforated pages
Bound-in answer key
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