Teacher Store > Scholastic Teacher Resources > SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES The Fluent Reader 2Nd Edition SC-9780545108362

SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES The Fluent Reader 2Nd Edition SC-9780545108362


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SKU: SC-9780545108362 Category:

Brand: Scholastic Teacher Resources


Tim Rasinski’s groundbreaking book has been updated to include coverage of the latest research on fluency, teaching strategies based on that research, new classroom vignettes, and suggestions for using a variety of texts to teach fluency such as poetry, speeches, and monologues and dialogues. You’ll also find background information, assessment tools, step-by-step lessons, and teaching tips — plus a DVD with clips showing the strategies in action.
1. Latest research on fluency
2. From nationally-renowned fluency expert Tim Rasinski
3. Includes a DVD that shows the strategies in action

Additional information

Weight 0.88 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 7.4 × 0.56 in

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