SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Hands-On Math Around The Year SC-0590967258
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SKU: SC-0590967258
Category: Uncategorized
Grade: 1st - 3rd
Brand: Scholastic Teacher Resources
Secondary Brand: Scholastic
UPC: 9780934633970
ISBN: 590967258
A Super-Creative Collection of Kid-Pleasing Activities That Build Essential Math Skills and Celebrate Favorite Themes From September to June Linked to the NCTM Standards! Kids will love doing math all year long with these fresh and creative teacher-tested math activities that build math skills! They’ll make an Apple-Seed Counting Book, do a Twig Tally, design Seashell Patterns, create Flower Glyphs, and much more. Includes literature links, hands-on reproducibles, music and movement activities, easy art projects and lots more! Linked to the NCTM Standards. 112 pp