Teacher Store > Scholastic Teacher Resources > SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Algebra Readiness Made Easy: Grade 2 SC-0439839270

SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Algebra Readiness Made Easy: Grade 2 SC-0439839270


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SKU: SC-0439839270 Category:

Brand: Scholastic Teacher Resources
UPC: 9780439839273
ISBN: 978-0-439-83927-3


The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics identifies algebra as one of the five major math content areas to be studied in ALL grades. This Algebra Readiness series makes meeting this mandate easy and fun, even in the younger grades. Each book features dozens of reproducibles that give students practice in different problem-solving strategies and algebraic concepts. Students learn to identify variables, solve for the values of unknowns, identify and continue patterns, use logical reasoning, and so much more. Includes 10 full-color transparencies with problem-solving steps and word problems, perfect for whole-class learning.

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