Teacher Store > Remedia Publications > REMEDIA PUBLICATIONS Comprehension Connection Story Folders REM1089

REMEDIA PUBLICATIONS Comprehension Connection Story Folders REM1089


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Brand: Remedia Publications


Strengthen comprehension and fluency skills with the newest addition to our best-selling story card series! Comprehension Connection Story Folders supports Best Practices in Reading by pairing science and history-based nonfiction stories with fiction stories on the same topic. Durable, laminated folders feature two kinds of stories, plus detailed illustrations for one unique learning experience! Follow-up questions and activities help build important skills and strategies unique to these two key genres of reading.

Reproducible Activity Books
Extend learning with our comprehensive activity books–one for science and one for history. Each features 5 pages of activities for each folder. Activities cover vocabulary, context clues, and skill-specific questions. Bonus features include templates for a story map and nonfiction/fiction connection page, reading level chart progress chart, glossary, and answer key. 64 pages each.

Boxed Set Includes:

* 40 story folders (2 each of 20)
* Each folder has two related stories, one nonfiction & one fiction
* Two 64-page activity books

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