Teacher Store > OLYMPIA SPORTS > OLYMPIA SPORTS 2″ Thick Flat Add-On Gym Mats – 2″ X 2′ X 4′ – White OWOL-MT289M-WHITE

OLYMPIA SPORTS 2″ Thick Flat Add-On Gym Mats – 2″ X 2′ X 4′ – White OWOL-MT289M-WHITE


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SKU: OWOL-MT289M-WHITE Category:



Two-inch mat, high-density foam filled with nylon/polyester reinforced cover in eight colors…Nylon stitching…Velcror fastening lip on sides and ends…Mats can be pressed together in any configuration…No snaps or other fasteners required …Yellow, blue, green, grey, black, white, red and orange…Please specify color…UPS.

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