LEARNING ADVANTAGE Arithmechips Subtraction Game CTU9002
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Brand: Learning Advantage™
Secondary Brand: Creative Toys USA
UPC: 716243030116
A strategic subtraction game that’s never the same twice! Reinforce subtraction skills while trying to win the most chips. Four levels of play keep the game challenging and exciting. 2-4 players. Ages 5 and up.
Game Board, 208 Colored Chips, Instruction Booklet
Arithmechips: Subtraction has eight versions of play including Classic Arithmechips, Subtraction For Points, Bonus Arithmechips, Challenge Arithmechips, Steal The Arithmechips, Blocking Arithmechips, Quick Chips, and Subtraction Checkers.
To help students memorize difference through 24-24. (Please note that to do this the “Table” being practiced appears as the number after the subtraction sign. Unlike “Arithmechips: Addition or Multiplication” in which the table being practiced appears as the first number on the chip.)
Age Level: 5 and up
Grade Level: K