Teacher Store > Instructional Fair > INSTRUCTIONAL FAIR Readers’ Theater, Level 2 IF-19221

INSTRUCTIONAL FAIR Readers’ Theater, Level 2 IF-19221


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SKU: IF-19221 Category:

Grade: 3rd - 7th
Brand: Instructional Fair
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Instructional Fair
UPC: 651468192211
ISBN: 742401669


Kids are natural actors! So readers’ theater provides an exciting way to increase reading enthusiasm and comprehension. This anthology of funny, interesting, and engaging plays is easy to present and sure to tap into your students’ love of drama. And since readers’ theater can be done without costumes, props, or scenery, any school day can be theater day! Level Two offers plays ranging from the retelling of folk stories to exciting mysteries to humorous fantasies.The parts in each play are written at different levels of reading difficulty from Grade 3 to Grade 7, so your best readers can perform alongside students who find reading more of a challenge. 80 pp

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