Teacher Store > Instructional Fair > INSTRUCTIONAL FAIR Basic Skills Series: Listening Skills, Grade 3 IF-5004

INSTRUCTIONAL FAIR Basic Skills Series: Listening Skills, Grade 3 IF-5004


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SKU: IF-5004 Category:

Grade: 3rd
Brand: Instructional Fair
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Instructional Fair
UPC: 13587114145
ISBN: 1568220286


Listening Skills will give your students a head-start in developing good listening skills, and they’ll have fun while they do it. Your third-graders will follow Calie the Cat through a variety of activities. There are several different ways toincorporate these lessons into your classroom: schedule a definite time each day to work on listening skills, select listening lessons that correlate with other areas of your curriculum and use them to supplement the related topic, oradapt the lessons for use at a listening center. However you choose to use the lessons offered in Listening Skills, you are sure to notice an improvement in your students listening skills. 48 pp

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