Teacher Store > Instructional Fair > INSTRUCTIONAL FAIR Activities for Developing Memory Grades: 2-3 – Activity Book IF-G99142

INSTRUCTIONAL FAIR Activities for Developing Memory Grades: 2-3 – Activity Book IF-G99142


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SKU: IF-G99142 Category:

Brand: Instructional Fair
Secondary Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications


Activities for Developing Memory is packed with exercises to help students develop and improve their memories. The first section of the book is filled with engaging activities that get students thinking and memorizing through fun physical movements, visual memory exercises, rhythm and music studies, and exciting games and tricks. The second section of the book addresses specific curriculum areas–language arts, math, science, and social studies–and gives students tools and strategies for memorizing content in these important school topics. Students with strong memories have greater success throughout their school years. Help your students develop their memories with this enriching activity book. Grade Levels(s): Second Grade – Third Grade Pages: 64 Packaging: Softcover Size: 8 3/8 x 10 7/8

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