Teacher Store > Hayes Publishing > HAYES SCHOOL PUBLISHING Achieving Proficiency On Standardized Tests Grade 3 H-ST203R

HAYES SCHOOL PUBLISHING Achieving Proficiency On Standardized Tests Grade 3 H-ST203R


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SKU: H-ST203R Category:

Brand: Hayes Publishing
UPC: 0734675013057


Help students do their best on standardized tests in reading, mathematics and language arts by familiarizing them with the formats and skills they need for success. Achieving Proficiency on Standardized Tests is organized into three units that provide detailed practice in each of these core subject areas. Each unit begins with an authentic bubble answer sheet to give students practice in a realistic test taking situation. All practice pages are based on the most recent editions of several widely used tests. Students are also exposed to a variety of testing formats that will improve their test taking skills. Grades 1-8.

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