FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Ultimate Fact Family Flash Cards: Multiplication & Division Grades: 2-3 – Flash Cards FS-013382
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SKU: FS-013382
Category: Uncategorized
Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications
Secondary Brand: School Specialty Publishing
UPC: 0017257133825
Introducing the Ultimate Fun Way to Learn Multiplication and Division!
This new color-coded format combines the best features of the traditional fact family flashcards on one side,
with an added visual representation and answers on the flip side.
Plus, each two-sided card focuses on only one fact family at a time, so students get twice the practice
for ultimate mastery of multiplication and division facts.
– All Facts 0-12
– 92 Two-Sided Cards – ;One for Every Fact Family
– Grades K to 3
– Supports NCTM Standards
Teacher-Trusted for Skill Mastery and Test Prep!