Teacher Store > Frank Schaffer Publications > FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Classroom Helpers Symbols of the USA, Gr. K FS-194137

FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Classroom Helpers Symbols of the USA, Gr. K FS-194137


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SKU: FS-194137 Category:

Grade: Kindergarten
Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Frank Schaffer Publications
UPC: 17257941376
ISBN: 768224594


The Classroom Helpers:Symbols of the U.S.A explores the many great symbols of the United States that Americans recognize as their own-the American flag, the Statue of Liberty, the White-House, and the bald eagle are just a few. Math, language arts and social studies content are woven throughout the activities. Learning about these famous symbols is an excellent addition to any character education program or study about citizenship. Use the activities for classroom work or for homework assignments. Pages: 24

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