Teacher Store > Frank Schaffer Publications > FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Basic Skills: The Test Connection – Summarizing, Grade 6 FS-99201

FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Basic Skills: The Test Connection – Summarizing, Grade 6 FS-99201


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SKU: FS-99201 Category:

Grade: 6th
Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Frank Schaffer Publications
UPC: 651468828868
ISBN: 742418863


Students must summarize information for book reports, speeches, essays, and more. Summarizing–The Test Connection offers practice writing and organizing summaries of reading selections from across the curriculum. The exercises prepare students for the types of questions they will encounter on tests, including multiple choice, short answer, and long answer. The engaging activities provide concrete and applicable practice for students who will experience testing situations. A sample test and answer sheet link learning to everyday testing situations. The lessons include articles, essays, poetry, fiction, and more. The progressive reading selections offer teachers flexibility to meet their students’ reading abilities. Learning to effectively summarize information will help students develop comprehension and communication skills. Pages: 48

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