EVAN-MOOR The Ultimate Shape Book EMC6000
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Grade: Kindergarten - 2nd
Brand: Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
UPC: 0023472060006
ISBN: 155799868X
Teachers know how difficult it is to address the varied writing needs within a primary classroom. With The Ultimate Shape Book you can conduct a writing lesson based on a literature book and provide a writing experience that is appropriate for all your students. Nonwriters may use the blank shape form to draw their stories. They may then dictate a sentence or two about their story for an adult or cross-age tutor to write on the form. Beginning writers draw a picture and write several sentences on the shape form with three or four writing lines. Independent writers develop their stories on the fully lined shape form. Give every student a copy of the front and back covers (back cover has a poem on it too!) to cut out and color. Now everyone in class has a book to share.
The 50 topics offer a variety of motivating shapes: