Teacher Store > Edupress™ > EDUPRESS Vocabulary Building Green Level 50 EP-LRN1020

EDUPRESS Vocabulary Building Green Level 50 EP-LRN1020


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SKU: EP-LRN1020 Category:

Brand: Edupress™
UPC: 0797782010203


Player work their way around a cosmic board by answering vocabulary cards. Cards feature leveled vocabulary words and three possible definitions for each word. Correct answers propel players through space. The first player to travel the solar system and make it back to Earth wins!

Covers the following aspects of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application

* Compact size saves space on the shelf and in the classroom
* High-interest graphics and content
* Short passages allow time for full comprehension and the chance to read a variety of topics
* Winning is based on knowledge and skills, not random factors
* Games address important content, not trivia
* Directions are easy to understand, so as not to restrict learning opportunities
* Players never lose points for wrong answers

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 × 9.5 × 2.5 in

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