Teacher Store > Edupress™ > EDUPRESS Math Problem Solving Cards Gr 6 EP-3388

EDUPRESS Math Problem Solving Cards Gr 6 EP-3388


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SKU: EP-3388 Category:

Brand: Edupress™


Building math skills is a blast with these self-checking cards!

* Cards offer practice in applying problem-solving strategies to various types of math problems
* Questions include equations , story problems , graphs and more
* Strategies include Guess and Check; Make a Table, List or Chart, Draw a Picture; Use Logical Reasoning; Look for a
* Pattern; and Work Backward
* Real-life questions promote research-based practice
* Address Title I requirements by promoting parent involvement
* Double-sided cards add value for customers
* Self-checking cards allow individual practice
* Fun format engages learners
* Promotes higher-level thinking and reasoning skills
* 4-3/4 x 7″ cards
* Teacher guide
* Set of 40

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