EDUCATIONAL INSIGHTS Make-A-Monster Test Prep Game Gr 5 EI-2802
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Brand: Educational Insights
UPC: 0086002028020
It’s a wild race to make a monster…and boost test scores!
Make-A-Monster gives students the practice they need to succeed on language arts standardized tests – ; all while having a monstrously good time! Players spin the monster spinners, answer questions, and build monsters piece by piece as they race to be the first to complete a mismatched monster. Each of the 200 language arts questions is written in the language, directions, and multiple-choice question format that students will encounter on state and national standardized tests. Includes 4 monsters (each separated into 5 pieces), 4 stands, 200 question cards, double spinner, and answer key. For 2 to 4 players.
Content aligned to state and national standards!
GRADE 3 Teaches:
Word analysis, vocabulary, study skills, punctuation, sentence structure, usage, and spelling.
GRADE 4 Teaches:
Word analysis, vocabulary, reading, study skills, punctuation, sentence structure, usage, and spelling.
GRADE 5 Teaches:
Word analysis, vocabulary, reading, study skills, punctuation, sentence structure, usage, and spelling.