Teacher Store > Creative Teaching Press® > CREATIVE TEACHING PRESS Integrating Science With Reading Instruction 3-4 CTP2815

CREATIVE TEACHING PRESS Integrating Science With Reading Instruction 3-4 CTP2815


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SKU: CTP2815 Category:

Grade: 3rd - 4th
Brand: Creative Teaching Press®
UPC: 0030554028151


Do you find it difficult to squeeze a science lesson into your teaching day? Does your students’ level of comprehension decline when they read nonfiction text? This set of resources will extend the time you have in your teaching day by integrating science with reading instruction. Each grade-level book includes 12 units with a nonfiction science story; pre-reading, during reading, and post reading strategies; and a fun, hands-on science experiment. Each all-inclusive resource will help students continue learning to read while reading to learn. 136 – ;144 pages each.

Additional information

Weight 0.7713 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.32 in

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