Teacher Store > Classroom Complete Press > CLASSROOM COMPLETE PRESS Charlie And The Chocolate Factory CCP2310

CLASSROOM COMPLETE PRESS Charlie And The Chocolate Factory CCP2310


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SKU: CCP2310 Category:

Brand: Classroom Complete Press
UPC: 9781553194507


Who would believe that Charlie Bucket’s life would take such an unusual twist? Charlie and his family are very poor and food is never in abundance. The world is on a frenzy trying to find one of the five Golden Tickets. By getting one of these tickets, the winner will visit the insides of the mysterious Mr. Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Charlie finds a dollar bill and buys himself a chocolate bar that contains the last Golden Ticket. Along with four other children, they visit the factory and meet up with the Oompa-Loompas who are the hard workers of the factory. At last, Mr. Wonka tells Charlie that he has won the whole factory and the brave and true Charlie and his family will never starve again.

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × 0.3 in

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